Lifting Spirits

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By supporting the Lifting Spirits Unrestricted Scholarship Fund, you will make it possible for IMD to respond quickly and flexibly to support IMD participants on their learning journey. Your support will mean that the IMD leaders of tomorrow can overcome any unexpected obstacles during their life-shaping experience. 

Every gift goes a long way. 

We know that it takes a village to raise a child. At IMD we discover that we are creating a new village - one that is shaped by the care and support we show one another, as future leaders, as friends, and as IMD Alumni. Never more has the world needed great leaders. Let us move forward and nurture the villages we belong to today and those we'll join in the future.

Siya Xabanisa, MBA 2023 Scholarship recipient.

Thank you for your care and support.

Spread the word

1 year, 7 months ago
Eva Richterich donated CHF1000.00
2 years, 1 month ago
Douglas Gossett donated