Support tomorrow's visionary leaders

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Your impact - amplified

Creating scholarship opportunities at IMD ensures the IMD learning experience is accessible to anyone with the talent and tenacity to succeed  – no matter their background. 

When you join forces with your remarkable alumni peers to unlock opportunities for other talented individuals, you send a strong message about the ethos of IMD leadership. Together, you challenge what is, inspire what could be, and contribute even more decisively to a prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive society.

Discover your collective impact here.

As an IMD leader, your impact already resonates across society. By supporting future IMD Alumni, your impact is amplified.

Thank you for your commitment to exceptional leadership.

Thank you for your generosity. 

Find a cause you’re passionate about

Please continue to support the talented, visionary leaders of tomorrow - your future peers - through one of the following scholarship funds:

Empowering Women in Business


MBA Impact Leaders of Tomorrow


EMBA Forging Diversity. Advancing Inclusion


Lifting Spirits


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